Call To Action For A TB-Free India

Authors: Kavita Ayyagari, MA and Jamhoih Tonsing, MBBS, DPM, MSc—Authors
Number of pages: 2
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Overview: The Call to Action for a TB-Free India echoes WHO’s ‘End TB Strategy’ and calls for the country to intensify TB care and prevention efforts to end TB in India. The vision of the End TB Strategy is A World free of TB: Zero TB deaths, Zero TB disease, and Zero TB suffering.

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One thought on “Call To Action For A TB-Free India

  1. Morning colleagues It is good to have such guidelines and questions with answers on what TB community can do. It is very sad in that we have so much but do little to help and alleviate our tuberculosis patients. I have realised that is little or no counseling at all for the tuberculosis patients. I will just give this information that you find the laboratory phoning straight to the patient giving results instead of patient counseling first then offer treatment when the patient has understood what her/his condition is or if its said she is tuberculosis positive or mdr-tb what effects will it have.
    I which let’s talk will go a long way to highlight this problem and clinicians make a better decision for eliminating tuberculosis.

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