Authors: Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD—Author and Series Editor; Pamela Chedore, MLT—Co-author
Number of pages: 7
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Overview: A good diagnostic approach for TB requires collection of the right clinical specimen(s) of adequate quality and quantity. For pulmonary TB, sputum is the most important sample for laboratory testing. Although blood is a popular sample in the Indian private sector, there is no accurate blood test for active TB. For extra-pulmonary TB, it is critical to obtain specimens from the site of disease, and this usually includes collection of tissue (biopsy) and/or body cavity fluids from the suspected disease site. For childhood TB diagnosis, sputum can be collected from older children. In young children, fasting gastric aspirates are the routinely collected samples. For latent TB infection diagnosis, there are two main options – interferon- gamma release assays which require venous blood samples, or the tuberculin skin test (Mantoux), which is an intra-dermal skin test. In all the above situations, clear instructions on specimen collection should be provided to patients as well as to laboratories and clinics. Quality of specimens can often have a big impact on test results, and every effort should be made to ensure quality in specimen collection, transport and processing.
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Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Importance of Appropriate Specimen Collection
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Question 1 of 7
1. Question
What is the ideal location for sputum collection?
The correct answer is (c). Sputum expectoration can release infectious aerosols, which are diluted in the open-air or a well ventilated room and are inactivated by UV light in the outdoors.
The correct answer is (c). Sputum expectoration can release infectious aerosols, which are diluted in the open-air or a well ventilated room and are inactivated by UV light in the outdoors.
Question 2 of 7
2. Question
Which of the following tests requires a blood sample for the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB?
The correct answer is (d). There is no approved blood test for the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB) IGRAs are tested on blood but only give information on latent TB infection, not active disease.
Reference: World Health Organization. Policy statement: Use of tuberculosis interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) in low- and middle-income countries. In. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011.Incorrect
The correct answer is (d). There is no approved blood test for the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB) IGRAs are tested on blood but only give information on latent TB infection, not active disease.
Reference: World Health Organization. Policy statement: Use of tuberculosis interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) in low- and middle-income countries. In. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011. -
Question 3 of 7
3. Question
Which of the following constitutes a good sample for sputum microscopy?
The correct answer is (a). Sputum quality and quantity are essential features of a good specimen for TB testing. Five ml of muco-purulent specimen collected in a sterile laboratory approved container is the ideal specimen for sputum microscopy for TB).
The correct answer is (a). Sputum quality and quantity are essential features of a good specimen for TB testing. Five ml of muco-purulent specimen collected in a sterile laboratory approved container is the ideal specimen for sputum microscopy for TB).
Question 4 of 7
4. Question
For a two year old child with suspected TB, the best clinical specimen for pulmonary TB diagnosis is:
The correct answer is (c). Young children cannot expectorate sputum but it is often swallowed overnight. The best specimen is, therefore, a series of two to three consecutive, fasting gastric aspirates.
Reference: Marais BJ, Pai M. Specimen collection methods in the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. Indian J Med Microbiol 2006;24:249-51.Incorrect
The correct answer is (c). Young children cannot expectorate sputum but it is often swallowed overnight. The best specimen is, therefore, a series of two to three consecutive, fasting gastric aspirates.
Reference: Marais BJ, Pai M. Specimen collection methods in the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. Indian J Med Microbiol 2006;24:249-51. -
Question 5 of 7
5. Question
What is the minimum recommended number and timing of specimens for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB?
The correct answer is (b). The minimum requirement for sputum testing is two specimens taken one hour apart. Previously three consecutive early morning sputum samples were recommended but research has shown that the 3rd sample does not add much to the overall yield (and can increase the risk of patient drop-out).
Reference: Policy statement. Same-day diagnosis of tuberculosis by microscopy. World Health Organization, 2011. (Accessed 2011, at http://whqlibdoc)
Mase SR, Ramsay A, Ng V, et al. Yield of serial sputum specimen examinations in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;11:485-95.
The correct answer is (b). The minimum requirement for sputum testing is two specimens taken one hour apart. Previously three consecutive early morning sputum samples were recommended but research has shown that the 3rd sample does not add much to the overall yield (and can increase the risk of patient drop-out).
Reference: Policy statement. Same-day diagnosis of tuberculosis by microscopy. World Health Organization, 2011. (Accessed 2011, at http://whqlibdoc)
Mase SR, Ramsay A, Ng V, et al. Yield of serial sputum specimen examinations in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;11:485-95.
Question 6 of 7
6. Question
Which of the following specimens should be rejected by the culture laboratory?
The correct answer is (d). Specimens that are unlabeled or do not have a properly filled out form, are rejected by the laboratory. Fixatives, such as formalin, will inactivate any micro-organisms in a tissue sample, therefore, making it unsuitable for culture.
The correct answer is (d). Specimens that are unlabeled or do not have a properly filled out form, are rejected by the laboratory. Fixatives, such as formalin, will inactivate any micro-organisms in a tissue sample, therefore, making it unsuitable for culture.
Question 7 of 7
7. Question
In a woman with infertility, suspected to have genito-urinary TB, which of the following specimens is important for diagnosis?
The correct answer is (c). Endometrial issue for culture and histopathology is critical for diagnosing genito-urinary tract TB) Blood (venous or menstrual) is not the appropriate sample as it is very difficult to isolate M. tuberculosis or detect MTB DNA in such samples.
The correct answer is (c). Endometrial issue for culture and histopathology is critical for diagnosing genito-urinary tract TB) Blood (venous or menstrual) is not the appropriate sample as it is very difficult to isolate M. tuberculosis or detect MTB DNA in such samples.
It is a nice exercise i went through without reading prior. So i took it as a pre-test then i should repeat it after reading to measure performance
Should sputum sample full of blood be processed for TB microscopy or rejected?
What is the sample required for detecting TBPCR in breast TB?