
Lectures & Slides

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Guidelines & Standards

International standards for tuberculosis care


Number of pages: 92
Publication date: 2014
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 3.82mb)



Standards for TB Care in India

STCI 2014Authors: Central TB Division and WHO Country Office for India
Number of pages: 78
Publication date: 2014
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 891kb)



Tuberculosis Diagnostics in 2015: Landscape, Priorities, Needs, and Prospects

INFDIS_211_S2_Cover_2.inddAuthors: The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Number of pages: 65
Publication date: 2015
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 3mb)



Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A survival guide for clinicians

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, 3rAuthors: Curry International Tuberculosis Center (CITC)
Number of pages: 324
Publication date: 2016
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 6.7mb)


Guidelines on extra-pulmonary tuberculosis for India

Guidelines on extra-pulmonary tuberculosis for IndiaAuthors: World Health Organization, Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Government of India
Number of pages: 134
Publication date: 2016
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 2.7mb)


Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children

Official American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Clinical Practice Guidelines

Authors: Lewinsohn et al.
Number of pages: 33
Publication date: 2016
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 4.0mb)

Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis

Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines

Authors: Nahid et al.
Number of pages: 49
Publication date: 2016
Languages: English
Download (pdf, 1.0mb)


Fact Sheets

Nature Primer on TB (2016) Read associated article [/caption]
Nature Primer on TB (2016) Read associated article

IPAQT Informational Brochure
IPAQT Informational Brochure

WHO TB Radiography Fact Sheet
WHO TB Radiography Fact Sheet


Useful Websites

The BCG World Atlas
‘This interactive website provides detailed information on current and past BCG policies and practices for over 180 countries. The Atlas is designed to be a useful resource for clinicians, policymakers and researchers alike, providing information that may be helpful for better interpretation of TB diagnostics as well as design of new TB vaccines.’

Evidence-Based TB Diagnosis
‘Recognizing the growing importance of evidence-based TB diagnosis and policy making, the Stop TB Partnership’s New Diagnostics Working Group has created a new subgroup on Evidence Synthesis for TB Diagnostics. This subgroup supports the development of new systematic reviews, facilitate the development and dissemination of evidence summaries on new diagnostics, and actively promote their use in guideline and policy development processes. This website is one of the contributions of the Evidence Synthesis subgroup.’

The Online TST/IGRA Interpreter
‘This tool estimates the risk of active tuberculosis for an individual with a tuberculin skin test reaction of ≥5mm, based on his/her clinical profile. It is intended for adults tested with standard tuberculin (5 TU PPDS, or 2 TU RT-23) and/or a commercial Interferon Gamma release assay (IGRA).’

IPAQT Initiative for Promoting Affordable and Quality Tests
‘I-PAQT is an initiative of private laboratories and stakeholders working towards combating tuberculosis in India to ensure quality TB diagnostics tests are made available at access pricing to accredited laboratories that will in turn ensure these tests are made available to the general public at affordable prices.’

TB Online
‘TB Online is a website for activists, patients, healthcare workers and researchers to learn more about tuberculosis (TB) so that they can work to alleviate and ultimately end the worldwide epidemic.’

Videos & Online Courses

Tuberculosis New Approaches & Developments

8th FIND Symposium at Union World Conference 2015